Low Carbon Economy

Low Carbon Economy Foundation (LCEF) is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in 2014 and located in La Vall d’Uixó, Valencian Community, Spain. The Foundation is committed to sustainable and low carbon solutions. Its members are professionals in education, sustainability, environment, and possess an extended network
of VET educational centres, green enterprises, eco-associations and youth organisations.

The primary aim of the Foundation is to promote trainings, dissemination, demonstration, mentoring, financing, consultancy and comprehensive management in environment and sustainability areas based on a low carbon economy model, through the following fields: Renewable energies and energy efficiency, Management and valorisation of waste, especially agro-forestry waste, Environmental conservation and regeneration, R+D+I (Research, Development and Innovation) for the promotion of low carbon economy.

The Foundation expands its activities mainly in the Valencian Region, but it also reaches other autonomic communities of Spain. The collaborators of the Foundation are educational and training centres, public administrations, commonwealth, public and private companies, associations, foundations, political parties, trade unions, business groups, professional groups and technology centres. LCEF manages its projects with the above-mentioned collaborators with the basis of
impartiality, objectivity and non-discrimination. Low Carbon Economy Foundation has an extensive experience in the comprehensive management of educational projects at local, regional and European level. It also provides training in the field of low carbon economy to acquire professional certificates in cooperation with its diverse partners. Due to its close relationship with the world of work, Low Carbon Economy Foundation is also involved in the installation of demonstrative facilities and in the development of experiential pilot projects, including the transformation of waste from citrus pruning into bioproducts (such as pellets for biofuel, essential oils of animal feed). In addition, as it is a Foundation whose scope of work is the transition through a lower carbon economy, it works closely with education centres, as it is a way of raising awareness among the young, who are the future leaders of the world.

Nowadays, LCEF is also a point of environmental education, that gives small workshops for primary schools explaining the different energy resources and how those affect negatively or positively the environment. They have an agreement with the City Hall of LaVall d’Uixó to provide this type of learning with the primary schools of the municipality.